You want to see what God is showing you, but your church probably doesn’t talk a lot about the prophetic or seers in the Sunday morning service.

It’s frustrating to know you have a gift and have nobody to teach you accurately how to walk in it.

Here’s what I know: God wants you to function in the fullness of your giftings. God wants you to open your eyes to the spirit realm, with dreams and visions and give you the interpretation of what you are seeing.

I can help. For years, I only “heard the word of the Lord coming to me.” But God dramatically opened my eyes and began to teach me the principles, precepts and pitfalls of the seer anointing.

I have empathy for seers who have been misunderstood, persecuted and rejected from the mainline church because I’ve walked in that place. I am passionate about seeing you activated at new levels and functioning in accuracy for the glory of God.

Whether you are an experienced seer or just learning about the visual realm of the spirit world, I can help you navigate your gift— and I’ve been called to.

If you want to experience transformative results in your seer gift, The School of the Seers is for you. I recommend taking it year by year, as each year builds on the other. But, you are free to dive in with individual classes that suit where you are on your journey.

See you soon!

Jennifer LeClaire

This school is a good fit for you if:

  • You want God to open your eyes to the spirit realm.

  • You want to know how to interpret and apply your visual encounters, such as dreams, visions, trances, angels, and other encounters.

  • You want to flow accurately in the seer dimensions.

  • You want to avoid back doors in the spirit.

Ready to Get Equipped?

We’ve got options to fit your needs—and your schedule. You can watch everything on demand.

  • Binge Watch

    If you are an appetite that monthly content drops can’t fully satisfy, you can choose to purchase any one of the completed years of the school. You can watch binge watch—and watch them over and over

Annual Subscription

Receive a full year's classes starting with Year 1.

    1. Introduction

    2. Unlocking Your Faith to See in the Spirit (Audio)

    3. Q & A | Unlocking Your Faith to See in the Spirit (Audio)

    4. 10 Tips for Seeing in the Spirit (Audio)

    5. Q & A | 10 Tips for Seeing in the Spirit (Audio)

    6. Seers vs. Prophets | Part 1 (Audio)

    7. Q & A | Seers vs. Prophets | Part 1 (Audio)

    8. Seers vs. Prophets | Part 2 (Audio)

    9. Seer Exercise: What do You See | Seers vs. Prophets | Part 2 (Audio)

    10. Developing Seer Discernment | Part 1 (Audio)

    11. Q & A | Developing Seer Discernment | Part 1 (Audio)

    12. Developing Seer Discernment | Part 2 (Audio)

    13. Seer Exercise: Who’s Lying | Developing Seer Discernment | Part 2

    14. Seer Exercise: What do You Discern | Developing Seer Discernment | Part 2 (Audio)

    15. Exercise and Q & A | Developing Seer Discernment | Part 2 (Audio)

    16. Dream Interpretation Basics | Part 1 (Audio)

    17. Q & A | Dream Interpretation Basics | Part 1 (Audio)

    18. Dream Interpretation Basics | Part 2 (Audio)

    19. Q & A Dream Interpretation Basics | Part 2 (Audio)

    20. Visions 101 (Audio)

    21. Dramatic Visions 101 (Audio)

    22. Q & A | Dramatic Visions 101 (Audio)

    23. Developing Your Seer Eyes for Visions (Audio)

    24. Stewarding Your Seer Gift | Part 1 (Audio)

    1. Why Some Lessons Are Audio-Only: Here's What You Need to Know

    2. Stewarding Your Seer Gift | Part 2 (Audio)

    3. Q & A | Stewarding Your Seer Gift | Part 2 (Audio)

    4. Closing Prayer | Stewarding Your Seer Gift | Part 2 (Audio)

    5. Interpreting What You See in Spirit | Part 1 (Audio)

    6. Q & A | Interpreting What You See in Spirit | Part 1 (Audio)

    7. Interpreting What You See in Spirit | Part 2 (Audio)

    8. Seer Exercise: When I See You | Interpreting What You See in Spirit | Part 2 (Audio)

    9. Applying what You See in the Spirit | Part 1 (Audio)

    10. Q & A | Applying what You See in the Spirit | Part 1 (Audio)

    11. Seer Exercise: Focus Exercise | Applying what You See in the Spirit | Part 1 (Audio)

    12. Applying what You See in the Spirit | Part 2 (Audio)

    13. Seer Exercise: See the Angel in the Room | Applying what You See in the Spirit | Part 2 (Audio)

    14. Seer Warfare (Audio)

    15. Dangers & Traps That Can Blind Seers (Audio)

    16. Seer Pitfalls | Part 1 (Audio)

    17. Seer Pitfalls | Part 2 (Audio)

    18. The Making of a Seer | Part 1 (Audio)

    19. The Making of a Seer | Part 2 (Audio)

    20. Q & A | The Making of a Seer | Part 2 (Audio)

    21. Seeing Into The Angelic Realm (Audio)

    22. Q & A and Closing Prayer | Seeing Into The Angelic Realm (Audio)

    1. Why Some Lessons Are Audio-Only: Here's What You Need to Know

    2. The Feeler Language and Purpose (Audio)

    3. Q & A | The Feeler Language and Purpose (Audio)

    4. The Feeler How to Navigate and Carry the Gift (Audio)

    5. Understanding the Trance Realm (Audio)

    6. Q & A | Understanding the Trance Realm (Audio)

    7. Navigating the Trance Realm (Audio)

    8. Q & A and Closing Prayer | Navigating the Trance Realm (Audio)

    9. Prayer That Opens Your Seer Eyes

    10. Contemplative Prayer Music | Prayer That Opens Your Seer Eyes

    11. Testimonies | Prayer That Opens Your Seer Eyes

    12. Caught Up in the Spirit Realm

    13. Q & A and Closing Prayer | Caught Up in the Spirit Realm

    14. Introduction to the Ecstatic Realm (Audio)

    15. Unlocking Seer Mysteries (Audio)

    16. Smelling In The Spirit (Audio)

    17. Smelling: Activation Prayer & Exercise | Smelling In The Spirit (Audio)

    18. How Monitoring Spirits Operate (Audio)

    19. Q & A | How Monitoring Spirits Operate (Audio)

    20. Discerning & Defeating Monitoring Spirits (Audio)

    21. Q & A | Discerning & Defeating Monitoring Spirits (Audio)

    22. Seer Intercession | Part 1

    1. Why Some Lessons Are Audio-Only: Here's What You Need to Know

    2. Seer Intercession | Part 2

    3. Developing Seer Focus

    4. Q & A | Developing Seer Focus

    5. Issachar Seers | Part 1 (Audio)

    6. Issachar Seers | Part 2 (Audio)

    7. Seers Exercise & Q & A | Issachar Seers | Part 2 (Audio)

    8. Issachar Seers | Part 3

    9. Tasting In the Spirit

    10. Signs You Are A Seer | Part 1

    11. Q & A | Signs You Are A Seer | Part 1

    12. Invitations Into the Spirit Realm

    13. Discerning Open Portals

    14. Discerning Different Types of Seers

    15. Dream Misinterpretation

    16. Q & A | Dream Misinterpretation

    17. Signs You Are A Seer | Part 2

    18. Q & A | Signs You Are A Seer | Part 2

    1. Why Some Lessons Are Audio-Only: Here's What You Need to Know

    2. The Misunderstood Seer

    3. Q & A | The Misunderstood Seer

    4. Levels of Seer Discernment (Audio)

    5. Q & A | Levels of Seer Discernment (Audio)

    6. Avoiding Backdoor Operations

    7. Q & A | Avoiding Backdoor Operations

    8. Knowing: Your Sixth Spiritual Sense

    9. Growing in Your Sense of Knowing

    10. Judging the Accuracy of Your Knowings

    11. Q & A | Judging the Accuracy of Your Knowings

    12. Pitfalls of the Spiritual Gift of Knowing

    13. Navigating Apocalyptic Dreams

    14. Exploring Visual Words of Knowledge

    15. Recognizing Counterfeit Angels

    16. Q & A | Recognizing Counterfeit Angels

    17. What You Need to Know About the Deception of Astral Projection

    18. The Deep Dangers of Astral Projection

    1. Combatting Astral Attacks

    2. Obstructions to Your Dream Life

    3. Obstructions to Your Dream Life | Part 2

    4. Obstructions to Your Dream Life | Part 3

    5. Obstructions to Your Dream Life | Part 4

    6. Growing in Your Feeler Gift

    7. Discerning ‘Another Jesus’ in the Spirit

    8. Discerning ‘Another Jesus’ in the Spirit | Part 2

    9. Deciphering a Dream within a Dream

    10. The Message in Repetitive Dreams

    11. Q & A | The Message in Repetitive Dreams

    12. The Secret Dimension | Part 1

    13. Q & A | The Secret Dimension | Part 1

    14. The Secret Dimension | Part 2

    15. Q & A | The Secret Dimension | Part 2

About this course

  • $348.00 / year
  • 12 Classes per year
  • Audio & Video Classes

Patricia King

Author, A Prophetic Manifesto for the New Era

“Jennifer LeClaire is a seasoned equipper in the area of the prophetic with unselfish passion to see believers activated to flow in prophetic gifts and revelation.”


  • When does the course start?

    The course is available right now for you to watch on demand, any time you choose.

  • How long do I have to watch the lessons?

    If you purchase an individual course or an annual package, the classes are yours to keep. A monthly subscription allows you to watch classes as long as you are subscribed, sort of like Netflix. This model helps us keep the costs affordable for you.

  • Is there a return policy?

    We certainly want you to be satisfied with your purchase but we also want you to give your best effort to apply all of the strategies in the course. In order to keep the courses affordable, and because of serious abuses of return policies in the past, we no longer offer refunds.

If You Are Still Not Sure, Keep Reading...

  • You Want a Seer Impartation

    The biblical principles of seer ministry are taught, but the seer anointing is caught. In my school, you will receive both principles that keep you grounded in the Word and an impartation that will enable you to ascend in your seer anointing.

  • You Want to Develop Visual Accuracy

    You have the ability to see in the spirit, but you also have an enemy who wants to distract and deceive you and an unsanctified imagination that can lead you astray. My training will help you cut through the visual clutter and see with greater accuracy.

  • You Want to Go Deeper in the Seer Dimensions

    You know there is more to learn and you want to stay rooted in the Bible while staying open to divine encounters that may be unique to you. My teaching will stretch you and show you what is possible while staying aligned with the Word.

God Wants You to Function in the Fullness of Your Giftings.

Unlock Twelve New Teaching Each Year